Visit VDMI’s Partner in Kupang, Oesapa Reading Shelter and Mangrove Conservation
Van Deventer-Maas Indonesia has four university partners in Kupang, including Nusa Cendana University, Artha Wacana Christian University, Widya Mandira Catholic University and STIKOM Uyelindo Kupang. VDMS Board Netherland (Ute Jansen and Berit van Hulst), YVDMI Board (Prof. Irfan Dwidya Prijambada, Ph.D) and Executive Director of YVDMI (Parche Manoto) had the opportunity to meet and discuss with the leaders of partner universities. The visit was held on January 30-31 2024.
The meeting was facilitated by the PIC of each university. Thanks to Ir. Maria Lobo, M.Maths.Sc., Ph.D (PIC Nusa Cendana University), Meyrlin Mulya Handayani Panie, S.E (PIC Artha Wacana Christian University), Engelbertus G. C. Watu, S.E., M.M (PIC Widya Mandira Catholic University) and Siti Mariany Astiani Ujan, SS, M.M. (PIC STIKOM Uyelindo Kupang). A warm welcome from partners represented by Prof. Dr. drh. Maxs U. E. Sanam, M.Sc (Rector of Nusa Cendana University), Dr. Filmon Polin, SH., MH (Vice Rector for Student Affairs of Artha Wacana Christian University), P. Dr. Philipus Tulle, SVD (Rector of Widya Mandira Catholic University) and Marinus I.J. Lamabelawa, S.Kom, M.Cs (Chairperson of STIKOM Uyelindo Kupang).
In general, partners would like to express their gratitude for the collaboration that has been going on so far. Many students are helped and can continue their education with VDMI scholarships. Apart from that, the university appreciates that VDMI not only provides assistance in the form of scholarship funds but also with capacity building activities which are very good for students’ soft skills. Hopefully more and more young people from East Nusa Tenggara will have the opportunity to receive higher education.
Apart from that, the VDMS Board and YVDMI also visited the Reading Shelter and Mangrove Conservation in Oesapa, East Nusa Tenggara. When arrived, children were welcomed with dances using traditional East Nusa Tenggara woven. Reading Shelter and Mangrove Conservation are Regional Representative (RR) Kupang activities by alumni and grantees which have been running since 2013. Reading Shelter provides an opportunity for children around Oesapa beach to learn and read every week. Mangrove Conservation is a concern for alumni and grantees to protect the ecosystem on Oesapa Beach and prevent coastal erosion.