The Most Active Participants ( Capacity Building 2021 )
Beside providing scholarship, Van Deventer Maas Indonesia also provides support such as Capacity Building activities that are useful and needed by VDMI Family. VDMI creates quality programs with speakers who are experts in their fields. During 2021, there are 15 online Capacity Building programs (Zoom Meeting). Some of the activities include Series of Scientific Writing, Series of Psychology, Series of Communication, Series of Journalistic Writing, Leadership Session and others.
During 2021, there were 885 participants who took part in the VDMI Capacity Building activities. Based on the criteria for fully participating in Capacity Building activities and also being active during the activity (either asking questions or giving statements), there were 17 people who became The Most Active Participants. They are [1] Dorotea Gussa (Flores University) [2] Jelita Manullang (Medan State University) [3] Lidya Fitri Ramadhani B (Hasanuddin University) [4] Nopri Sinaga (Medan State University) [5] Qudsiyyah Sri Raharjo (Bung Hatta UNiversity) [6] Argha Harimas Daniswara (Gadjah Mada University) [7] Awwaliyah Nur Fadhilah (Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology) [8] Defresto Risma Tamu Ama (Wira Wacana Christian University) [9] Devi Mariyatun (Semarang State University) [10] Febian Haganta Gibran (Medan State University) [11] Hericson Sitingayo Kabanga’ (Sam Ratulangi University) [12] Muhammad Renno (Lambung Mangkurat University) [13] Natalia Uba Mudamakin (Flores University) [14] Khofifah Shinta Mamnukha (Semarang State University) [15] Mega Simanullang (Medan State University) [16] Novita Sari (Medan State University) and [17] Yuni Kartika Hutahaean (Medan State University).
As an appreciation for VDMI Family as The Most Active Participants, VDMI gave gifts. VDMI hopes that the VDMI Family will continue to be enthusiastic in participating in the 2022 VDMI Capacity Building activities. There will be many useful Capacity Building activities that are needed by VDMI Family. See you at the next activity in February 2022.