23rd Regional Meeting Gorontalo 2017
A GOAL WITHOUT A PLAN IS JUST A WISH. Perhaps, this is the most appropriate sentence that could describe the 23rd Regional Meeting that just being organized by Van Deventer-Maas Stichting (VDMS) board. The event lasted for three days, started on 13rd to 15th October 2017, at Ballroom of TC Damhil State University of Gorontalo. There were about 40 participants of VDMS grantees that had attended this event. Those 40 participants were only from VDMS grantees of State University of Gorontalo. With theme ‘Know Yourself to create your Career Plan’, this kind of valuable event has an aim to broaden the grantees’ knowledge since this programme is especially designed for them to strengthen their skills for their future life and the opportunity to open their networking and leadership talents.
Opened by a traditional dance of Gorontalo that is called ‘Tidi lo Ayabu’, the meeting started with a brief introduction about VDMS by Ibu Parche as the Head of VDMS Board in Indonesia and introduction about SAS by Nofri Daniel as one of VDMS committees. Then, it continued with several sessions which provided by some experienced practical facilitators.
The first facilitator was Ibu Ani Fegda. She delivered material about ‘Career Plan- Goal Setting (Know Yourself)’. She has told many important things that have to know by the participants. One thing that had been highlighted in her session is when she spoke about VUCA (Volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity) world. She told that we have to know our strength and how to develop it in order we can cope the effects of VUCA world. She also delivered material about ‘Personal Motivation and How to be an Assertive Person’.
On the second day, the facilitator was still Ibu Ani Fegda. However, she delivered different material that is “Communication Skill ‘Selling Yourself’ and Tips and Tricks of an Interview”. After that, the grantees also received another useful material from another great facilitators, he was Pak Ibnu Suryana that has been delivered material about ‘Basic Leadership’. He told the grantees that great leaders start off as great followers. He also said that great leaders have to make their own plan and stick to it until it becomes a reality.
Not only receiving material from the prominent facilitators, on the third day, the grantees also had a sharing session by VDMS Alumni, Annisa Taqwa. She shared a topic related to the dangerous of drugs for young generation. She told many interesting things and the participants were really into it. At the end of meeting, the participants were asked to present their discussion results about SMS problem solving.
In conclusion, this event has been a memorable event particularly for VDMS grantees of Gorontalo. Knowledge, experiences, and values became the main things that the grantees got from this meeting. Don’t forget about having new friends and connectivity with the others. Hopefully, this meeting can create more great quality generation to lead this country in the future.
reported by Siti Rahmatia Ntou (VDMS Grantees from State University of Gorontalo)