Visit Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo
Van Deventer-Maas Indonesia visited Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo (22-24 September 2024) after the Makassar Regional Meeting. This visit aims to see the improvement and development of Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo (UNCP) as a new partner of VDMI. Previously (Saturday, September 21, 2024), VDMI also met with the Rector of Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo (Rahman Hairuddin, S.P., M.Si) when holding a LLDIKTI meeting in Makassar. He explained the developments being carried out by UNCP in implementing the activities of the ministry. He also explained that this year UNCP has also accepted thousands of new students and also accepted PPG (Teacher Professional Education) students. Together with the UNCP Student Directorate, Rahman provided an understanding to all VDMI UNCP grantees to participate in the beneficial VDMI Capacity Building.
Monday, September 23, 2024, VDMI accompanied by the Vice Rector for Student Affairs (Suhardi, S.Pd., M.Pd) and Karmila, S.Pd., M.Pd (PIC UNCP) saw several campus locations of Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo (Campus 2 and Campus 3). Currently, Campus 3 is still under construction and there is still one faculty (PGSD) that is active. The rest of the lecture activities are on Campus 1 and Campus 2. After that, a discussion was held in the Dean’s Room of the Faculty of Science. Suhardi emphasized to students that there is no need to be embarrassed if they really need it. They should remain enthusiastic in looking for scholarships and changing their lives in the future. In addition, the MBKM program is still being carried out for UNCP students but with a new scheme and is being adjusted to UNCP. This is input for the VDMI program going forward.