Excellent Writing Club Workshop 2018
On 25 – 27 July 2018, Excellent Writing Club Workshop was held in Eduhostel, Yogyakarta. Sixteen participants were consisted of alumni and grantees. The workshop participants were coming from grantees and alumni who contributed articles in the Writing Club for the period 2017 – 2018. Some participants were alumni and grantees who wrote articles on the A2A e-Newsletter, active in the Regional Representative and active during VDMI (Regional Meeting) activities.
The workshop which lasted for 3 days was given the material by Mrs. Kristin Samah (a former journalist who has written several biographies of prominent Indonesian figures) and Mr. Kartono (Indonesian teacher at SMA Kolese De Britto). During the activity, participants can write and immediately be given the corrections and suggestions to improve their writing to be better than before. The material given is about writing Feature and Opinion. Besides that, participants were also given the task of writing figures found around the venue.
On the last day of July 27, 2018, participants attended the Welcome Dinner of PIC Meeting and Award 2018 at the Grand Zuri Hotel. On this occasion, awards were also given to the best participants. Arifin (UNG alumni) received the award as the best Feature Article with the title of “Ayah Aku Berhutang Padamu”. The best Opinion Article was achieved by Alistya (Grantee from UNAIR) with the title of “Menghargai Perbedaan Pendapat”