Cangkok Keladi: ‘Tekad Diri – Hadapi Masalah’
Starting from February 2021, VDMI try to recharge the VDMI family spirit to face new challenges. The first episode of Cangkok Keladi (Perbincangan Oke Keluarga VDMI) brought the topic of ‘Tekad Diri – Hadapi Masalah’. Facilitated by Ibu Herdina Indrijati, M. Psi, Psikolog, lecturer at Faculty of Psychology, Airlangga University VDMI family discussed strategies to boost the spirit to achive goals. Divided into two sessions on February 5 and 22, Cangkok Keladi live via Instagram.
‘Tekad diri’ is started from self-identification, strengths and weaknesses. Based on the understanding of self, we can strategize the best way that suits us. In this case, self-reflection is essential to enable us to estimate the scope of challenges that we can handle. After determining to achieve a goal, ou next job is to maintain consistency. Ups and downs are common, yet we should never give up or be distracted.
There were many questions from the participants during the session such as a question from Achmad, a grantee from ITS, Surabaya. Achmad asked, “How to maintain consistency amid the pandemic?” Ibu Herdina suggested that we should not let ourselves make the pandemic as an excuse to not perform our best. For example, when it is time to have an online class, we should prepare ourselves as if we are going to the offline class. We should keep paying attention, asking questions, or even taking a bath before the class as if we are in a face-to-face class. Our spirit to learn should never be diminished by the pandemic.