Zoom Sharing: Surfing in the Third Wave
On February 10 and 25, VDMI held a Zoom sharing with the topic ‘Surfing in the Third Wave’. Facilitated by Bapak Harsono Hadi, coach and learning facilitator, the VDMI family discussed changes that occurred in the world and how can we adapt to them. Initially, the world was led by those who have access to commodities (first wave). Then, it shifted to those who know how to industrialize things (second wave). Now, those who have access to more information will lead others (third wave).
Changes are inevitable. Currently, we are in the volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous moment. Yet, whatever happened in life, we can always control how we react. Pak Harsono suggested that we can always use the formula of an event (E), response (R), and output (O) in dealing with circumstances. For example, a current pandemic situation is an event that we cannot control. We should remember that we always have a choice for the R factor, which is our responses to the event. Our response should be always guided by the O, which is the output that we are expected. Keeping this formula in mind will enable us to choose the best response in any circumstances.
However, accepting or adapting to changes is not easy for most people. Humans tend to stay in their comfort zone and reluctant to changes whereas we will always learn, unlearn, and relearn in life. Further, Pak Harsono explained that millennials are surrounded by facilities and abundant information. Thus, they can multitask and seek integrated work and life. However, the abundant information makes millennials hard to regulate their emotions. Pak Harsono suggested that millennials should practice the emotional quotient (EQ) to balance their intellectual quotient (IQ) to best performs both in workplaces and life.
During the sharing session, the enthusiasm of the participants was shown from their questions. One of which, Defresto Risman from Wira Wacana Christian University, Sumba asked, “We often able to motivate others, but sometimes we find it difficult to motivate ourselves. How can we motivate ourselves?” Pak Harsono suggested that we must have a Personal Mission Statement. We should declare our missions such as to people around or to ourselves in front of a mirror. Next, visualizing things that we are expected to occur. Then, arrange sanctions when we cannot achieve the goals. Finally, Modeling to people who had achieved what we want to achieve. By doing so, we will be able to motivate ourselves. For the VDMI family who has not managed to join, the VDMI will continue to provide beneficial capacity building programs for grantees in March. Keep updated with us!