2024 – Regional Meeting Kupang
VDMI’s Capacity Building Program in 2024 started with Regional Meeting Kupang in Nusa Cendana University (Lt. 3 Gedung Rektorat Universitas Nusa Cendana). This regional meeting was held on January 30 up to February 1, 2024. Attended by 98 participants from Nusa Cendana University, Artha Wacana Christian University, Widya Mandira Catholic University, STIKOM Uyelindo Kupang, Timor University and Soe Institute of Education.
The opening ceremony was attended by Prof. Dr. drh. Maxs U.E. Sanam, M.Sc (Rector of Nusa Cencana University), Dr Siprianus Suban Garak, M.Sc (Vice Rector of Student Affairs), Ir. Maria Lobo, M.Maths.Sc, Ph.D (PIC Nusa Cendana University), Prof. Irfan Dwidya Prijambada, Ph.D (Chairperson of YVDMI Advisory Members), Parche Manoto (Executive Director of YVDMI), Ute Jansen (Chairperson of VDMS Board Netherlands) and Berit van Hulst (VDMS Board Members). Prof. Maxs gave a speech by emphasizing on grantees to understand and implement the value of VDMI by finding out who provided this scholarship. Prof. Irfan also added that after graduating, every grantee should continue to share and empower the community in accordance with the VDMI motto “Learn, Share, Encourage”.
First day was facilitated by Hari Setyowibowo (Psychologist, Padjadjaran University): “Thrive Under Pressure”. It is important to understand the relationship between expectation and reality when it comes to managing stress effectively. According to the Yerkes-Dodson Law, there is an optimal level of stress that can enhance performance. Too little stress can lead to boredom and lack of motivation, while too much stress can result in overwhelm and burnout. Finding the balance is key.
By reframing negative thoughts into more positive ones, participants can shift their mindset from one of fear or self-doubt to one of confidence and optimism. Lastly, having a strong support system is vital for thriving under pressure. By implementing these, participants can navigate through challenging situations with greater ease while maintaining their well-being.
The second day started by sharing session with Serliana Rambu Anawoli (VDMI Alumna from Artha Wacana Christian University). She creates a space for learning, sharing and empowering women and girl communities through an exhibition and workshop. Investing in women means investing in humanity. Continued with Emotional Intelligence by Dr. Anthony Dio Martin. It is more important to participants (grantees) because there are some toxic youth cultures. It helps grantees navigate through challenging situations and make better decisions. In fact, it is estimated that 80% of success can be attributed to emotional intelligence while only 20% can be attributed to Intellectual Intelligence.
The core competencies of Emotional Intelligence include self-awareness, social awareness, self-management and social skill. Self-awareness involves understanding one’s own emotion and how they impact behavior. Social awareness entails being attuned to emotions and needing others. Self-management involves effectively managing one’s own emotion and impulse. Social skill refers to the ability to build rapport with others, communicate effectively and resolve conflicts.
At the end of the regional meeting, there is the Student Administration System (SAS) – Question and Answer. Closed with “yel-yel competition” and group presentation (Student Monitoring System) about the top 5 problems faced by VDMI Grantees in Kupang (Time, Tools, English, Food and Family). The best group is selected based on material presented and solutions provided (reachable and possible to apply), creativity, ideas and originality. The best participants are Maria Bernadet Suryanti Lahur (UNDANA) and Maria Petriana Perdana Seran (UNWIRA).