In addition to the scholarship as the core activity of the VDMI, we also provide capacity building programs which are the Active Citizenship Workshop, Regional Meeting, and Excellent Writing Workshop. International and national outstanding experts are the main facilitators of the programs.
Citizenship Workshop
The Citizenship Workshop takes place once, twice, or three times a year depends on the circumstances. The program aimed to provide the VDMI grantees with an understanding of sustainability and social development. Within five consecutive days in a remote area, the participants will be guided by facilitators to discover their role in society based on their competencies and field of study. Also, the participants will be exposed to the local potentials to gain insights and hands-on experience on the community development. The prospective participants should go through a series of selection processes to join this event. The event is expected to inspire the participants to be active citizens who play an active role in the development of this country. In 2024, the Citizenship Workshops were held in Yogyakarta dan Magelang.
Regional Meeting
Each year, several Regional Meetings take place at the university partners in various regions across Indonesia. A grantee will at least attend one of the Regional Meetings during their period of scholarships. The program is designed to improve the grantees' professional capacities so that they are ready to join the workforce once they graduate from the university. Also, the meeting serves as the medium for VDMI grantees in each region to get to know each other better. The meeting consisted of three days seminars and workshops facilitated by international and national speakers. In 2024, the Regional Meetings were held in Kupang, Sumba, Ambon, and Makassar.
Excellent Writing Workshop
As a form of appreciation for the active members of the Excellent Writing Club (EWC), each year, VDMI will invite 20 selected writers to attend the Excellent Writing Workshop (EWW). The participants will get a great opportunity to meet national trainers who are experts in writing. All expenses will be covered by VDMI.
All of the VDMI capacity building programs aim to add valuable skills to the benefit recipients. Thus, alumni and grantees of VDMI can stand out among other students who do not receive this scholarship. VDMI genuinely hopes that the scholarship and all of the capacity building programs designed for alumni and grantees can prepare them to be active citizens that can develop Indonesia, especially the communities around them. In 2024, we held in Yogyakarta with theme "The Heritage of Yogyakarta".