2024 – Regional Meeting Makassar
Van Deventer-Maas Indonesia held the Makassar Regional Meeting on 18-20 September 2024 at the IPTEKS Building of Hasanuddin University-UNHAS (Tamalanrea, Makassar). Attended by 66 grantees from Hasanuddin University (UNHAS), Atma Jaya University Makassar (UAJM), Cokroaminoto University Palopo (UNCP) and Makassar State University (UNM). This activity aims to build their knowledge and to strengthen their skills for future life. In addition, it provides an opportunity to open their networking and leadership talents. The theme of this activity is “Know Yourself – Explore Yourself”.

Opened by Abdullah Sanusi, Ph.D (Directorate of Student Affairs of Hasanuddin University), he explained that until now UNHAS has reached a quota of 8,000 students who receive scholarships, one of which is VDMI. He advised the grantees that as scholarship recipients, there are responsibilities that must be carried out including the good name of themselves and the university. In addition, proving that VDMI grantees deserve to receive scholarships by contributing through achievements. Abdullah also thanked VDMI for their trust in UNHAS as one of their partners and hoped to continue to grow in cooperation.

On the first day, participants were given an understanding of “Know Yourself” and “Self-Exposure” by Anggoro Mukti. This understanding is important so that they can identify their current weaknesses and strengths in living their lives including college. Strawberry Generation is a label for young people today and is expected to be able to anticipate by becoming someone who is tough. It is not easy, it must be done repeatedly and many times. The fighting spirit of the participants is also exemplified by role play. Participants are asked to collect as many points as possible by exchanging numbers from other participants. How to determine goals, focus on goals and do various ways to achieve them. In addition, participants are also given an understanding of how to manage emotions when it is difficult. Adversity Quotient allows participants to increase resilience (more resistant to pressure and change), strengthen relationships (manage conflict well) and achieve goals (stay focused and motivated).

The second day, opened with sharing from Prof. Irfan (Advisory YVDMI) on how to love what has been chosen. Do it wholeheartedly and take every opportunity available. Whatever has been chosen to go through, must be tough and learn how not to waste opportunities. Many participants asked that there is currently a feeling of boredom in undergoing lectures and asked for solutions so that what is currently being done can be enjoyed. After that the session was continued by Marsen Sinaga with “Mindfulness for Critical Thinking”. Participants were given an understanding that mindfulness is closely related to peace of mind and improving critical thinking. Participants began to dig deeper into a problem through several activities, identify the root cause and find creative solutions. Mindfulness material is expected to be able to evaluate various options better and make more appropriate decisions.

On the last day, participants were divided into five groups and discussed the problems experienced by grantees in the Makassar Region through the Student Monitoring System. The five problems are English, Tools, Time, Food and Family. Participants were asked to identify the problems of each topic and provide solutions through presentations. Discussions were opened to complement each other from the solutions provided. On this occasion, Annisa Andi Tenri Ramadhani (alumna of Hasanuddin University) who is now studying for her Masters at Kanazawa University, Japan. She advised that establishing connections and networking is very important. She never thought that by maintaining good communication with one of the professors at Kanazawa University, she would go there and get a scholarship. Therefore, this Regional Meeting is also a place to get as much networking as possible and become an investment for the future. In addition, Aulia Dyan Yohanlis (alumna of Bandung Institute of Technology) also shared a story that the capacity building provided by VDMI has been useful until now. Many things were gained including soft skills such as leadership, time management, dealing with people and resilience after participating. She advised grantees to take the opportunity in every activity held by VDMI. After that, the announcement of the Best Participants of RM Makassar 2024: [1] Ni Wayan Krisna Yanti (UNHAS), [2] Athikha Fakhraini Faisal (UNCP), [3] Afifah Qonita Muharani (UNM) and [4] Laden Arissal (UNHAS). Finally, it was closed with the grantees’ performance with the song “Marendeng” which tells about the conditions in the birthplace of the Torajan people which are always safe and peaceful. This song unites the Torajan people, depicting the strong inter-religious tolerance in Toraja and reminding those who are away from home to their homeland. See you at the next Regional Meeting!