Discussion with Regional Representative (RR) Kupang and Writing Session
September 2, 2023, RR Kupang held a meeting in the Artha Wacana Christian University Hall facilitated by VDMI. It opened with a traditional dance by the children of Taman Baca Oesapa and a welcome from Vice Rector III for Student Affairs (Dr. Filmon Mixon Polin, SH., MH). He hopes that positive activities will continue to be carried out by alumni and grantees as a form of gratitude for the kindness received. The discussion was attended by 35 RR Kupang alumni and grantees, PIC STIKOM Uyelindo (Siti Mariany Astiani Ujan, SS, M.M.) and PIC UKAW (Meyrlin Mulya Handayani Panie, S.E).

Discussion activities will continue on September 3, 2023 in Ruang Aula Lt. 3 Rektorat Universitas Nusa Cendana. Alumni and Grantees provide suggestions for activities that will be carried out by RR Kupang in the future. The event opened with remarks from PIC UNDANA (Ir. Maria Lobo, M.Maths.Sc, Ph.D). Apart from that, there is also a restructuring of the management of RR Kupang with Chairman: Nofri Daniel (alumni of Nusa Cendana University).

As an appreciation for alumni and grantees who contributed to RR Kupang, VDMI provided a Writing Session with Reda Gaudiamo. Participants are given space to start writing and write down what comes to mind. Start by writing about what is most impressive and what they want to write about. Then, participants were distributed papers containing topics to write on. One of the grantees was very happy because she could dare to express her opinion and speak in front. We hope that RR Kupang will remain consistent in providing an impact on the surrounding area.