Regional Meeting 1 Flores
May 18 – 20, 2022, Van Deventer-Maas Indonesia (VDMI) held the Regional Meeting Flores 2022 at the Rectorate Building of the Flores University, Lt. 3. Attended by 66 grantees out of 68 invited. Two people did not attend due to grief and family matters. Session for 3 days from 9 am to 5 pm. Opened by the Rector of Flores University – Dr. Simon Sira Padji, M.A – , grantee was asked to be different from the others and have good characteristics and always be grateful. VDMI and Flores University have collaborated since 2018 and are expected to contribute to the surrounding community. Followed by Mrs. Parche as Executive Director of VDMI who conveyed the history of VDMS/YVDMI. He motivates grantees not to be afraid of challenges and can advance the region through local wisdom.

The first day started with a “Basic Leadership” Session with Ronny H Mustamu. Before starting, Ronny asked about the motivation of the participants in participating in the Regional Meeting. It doesn’t matter if you have high dreams, but there must be action so that you don’t just dream of being a leader. No leader stands alone. Success will be realized because of the interdependence between us and others in a group. As a leader, you must know who the members are and vice versa. There must be synergy and mutual need. In organizations, the individual is not important, what matters is the organization. Leadership must continue even if the leader changes. Participants are invited to write down who the leaders they know are, then analyze what leaders should have. In addition, participants also discussed why a leader can fail in carrying out his leadership.

The next day, the session started with ice breaking by forming groups quickly and precisely according to the instructions. This activity aims to train the body to be active and the brain to think quickly and accurately in making decisions. The session was presented by Anggoro Mukti with the topic “Know Yourself, Build Your Future and Career Plan”. Participants were asked to share their dreams with each other and describe in detail what their dreams were. After that, the “Mengumpulkan Poin Terbanyak” role-play is played with the aim that they can have a strategy to achieve their dreams. The role-play is completed and then the participants are divided into three large groups with the acquisition of points. There are groups with low, average and high points with each evaluation of why they are in that group. Anggoro also submitted data from the Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) regarding Ende with welfare and poverty ratings. Participants commented that this could have happened because people were satisfied with what they had at the moment and did not want to get more. The concept of being grateful is to maximize what has been entrusted, so it is necessary to know yourself. Anggoro explained four dimensions of tendencies, namely: Extrovert vs. Introvert, Sensing vs. Intuition, Thinking vs. Feeling and Judging vs. Perceiving. The session closed by watching a video how something new can be done (including changes) if we do it repeatedly and continuously.

The last session was delivered by Yesi Puspita with the topic of Communication Skill. Participants are given a “Mengenal Orang” Role-play. It aims to get to know each other. One of the functions of communication is to build relationships, so that this role-play can make the participants’ relationships grow and strengthen one another. Yesi explained that in communication there are several components, namely: communicator, communicant, message, media and feedback. These depend on each other to create effective communication. In addition, it is important to pay attention to the situation and with whom we are communicating. Next, the participants did a “Pesan Berantai” role-play by being divided into three groups. Each group conveys one sentence message consisting of 15 words. Each group failed to get the message across correctly, and this often happens in real life. The session closed with Questions and Answers with the participants, especially tips and tricks in Public Speaking.

The third day ended with the appearance of Yel-Yel from five groups and presentations on the problems of the Student Monitoring System, namely English, Time Management, Tools, Food and Family. Participants discussed the problems faced as students at Flores University and provided real solutions to overcome them. Two participants (Maria Egistatela Ndewes and Maria Fradesanti) were selected to be the most active participants during the Flores 2022 Regional Meeting based on several criteria.

See you at the Regional Meeting Gorontalo and Regional Meeting Pontianak!