Regional Meeting Semarang 2023
On November 21 up to November 23 2023, Van Deventer-Maas Indonesia held Regional Meeting Semarang in Pendopo Sandjojo, Soegijapranata Catholic University, participants (Soegijapranata Catholic University, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, and non-partners grantees) received debriefing through material that was different from lectures.

The activity was opened by Dr. Berta Bekti Retnawati, S.E., M.Si (as Vice Rector for Academic, Student and Alumni Affairs of Soegijapranata Catholic University encouraged all participants to train themselves and build a network. She hopes that participants can be a Creative, Critical, Visionary, Caring, and Tough person while catching their dreams and encouraging themselves. There are many scholarships at universities, only a few, such as VDMI, are concerned about providing capacity building in addition to scholarships.

The first session was delivered by Anggoro Mukti. Participants were asked to analyze what generation their age range currently belongs to, and the result is that participants are classified as Generation Z. Self-exposure has become a prevalent topic, especially among Generation Z, who are often referred to as the “Strawberry Generation.” Participants are divided into 5 groups to discuss what are the strengths and weaknesses of being Generation Z. Participants play “Games Collect the Point” individually and are given a challenge to collect as many points as possible. The method was by setting goals and accumulating points through various challenges or tasks, individuals are motivated to push themselves beyond their comfort zones. At the end of the session, participants had a practice “angklung” musical instrument that can provide valuable insights to push their intentions, self-development, face the challenges, and complete with praying to God.

On this occasion, Prof. Dr. Ningrum Natasya Sirait, S.H., M.Li (YVDMI Oversight Team) shared about how to build resilience and face the challenges. She explained about the meaning of group, the group formation stage such as: 1) formation, 2) experiencing turmoil, 3) maturity, 4) transformation and the differential of group and team. Also, she discussed the current law situation in Indonesia and encouraged participants to be proactive.

The second session was presented by Yesi Puspita, S.Sos, M.Si about Effective communication makes a good environment. She underlined that communicating wasn’t easy, it had to go through some process. Type of verbal and non-verbal; ethics, aesthetics, logic,; can’t be fixed; build and end the relationship. Communication principles consist of symbolic process, a unified signal in communication, reciprocal, and omnipresent. Also, she explained about the character building and Hippocrates and Galen theory of four different human personalities like sanguine, choleric, melancholy, and phlegmatic.

The third session was brought by Reda Gaudiamo about the Writing Session. Participants were given the impression that writing is not as scary as they think. Participants were asked to write a sentence within 5 minutes. They are free to write anything and are not stuck with sentence structure. As a result, some were able to write fluently and pass it on to other participants.
On the last day participants had a group presentation. Participants are divided into 5 groups and will be given Top Problems from the Student Monitoring System that has been distributed: [1] Lumpia group discussed “English”, [2] BSB group discusses “Time”, [3] The Rawa Pening Group discusses “Tools”, [4] Lawang Sewu group discusses “Family”, and [5] Bandeng group discusses “Food”. See you in the Next Face to Face Capacity Building.