Regional Meeting Surabaya 2023
On June 19 – 21, 2023 VDMI held a Regional Meeting Surabaya, located in Aula Fakultas Psikologi, Airlangga University, Surabaya. This is the first regional meeting held by VDMI that gathered more than one University in the same region. With the topic “Know Yourself – Build Your Future and Plan Your Career”, this meeting attended by forty-four grantees from Airlangga University, nineteen grantees from Surabaya Institute of Technology, eleven grantees from Hang Tuah University, eight grantees from Wijaya Kusuma University Surabaya, three grantees from non-partner university, and four PICs from four Universities partner.

The regional meeting was opened by Vice Rector for Academic, Student and Alumni Affair of Airlangga University – Prof. Dr. Bambang Sektiari Lukiswanto, DEA., drh. Regional Meeting Surabaya is an important momentum that must be utilized by all participants to train themselves and build a network. The materials that will be delivered by the facilitator can be used as self-development that is not obtained in lectures. The participants’ different university and major backgrounds are a big advantage for being able to build a network with fellow grantees, alumni and with VDMI. Participants can create collaborations with other participants from other study backgrounds and other universities, during the current studies. Furthermore, Mrs. Parche Manoto (Executive Director of VDMI) shared about the history of VDMS – VDMI.

In the first session, Anggoro Mukti emphasized the participants’ role as a leader in Indonesia Emas 2045. Through the simulation game “Collect as many as possible”, participants found the insight that success is supported by a strategy, clear goals and a focus on what is important. When we start to hesitate, to be inconsistent, to give up or to feel comfortable in a certain zone, we will not succeed in achieving success. Demographically, participants’ age is categorized as the strawberry generation. Strawberry generation is a term that describes the phenomenon of today’s young generation with high ideas and creativity, but when under pressure, they will break easily like a strawberry. To welcome the demographic bonus, strawberry generation has to develop the Adversity Quotient (AQ). AQ is a person’s ability or intelligence to be able to withstand difficulties and be able to overcome life’s challenges. Continuing, the second day discussed personality tendencies, using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). There are four personality dimensions: 1). Extraverted (E) or Introverted (I); 2). Sensing (S) or Intuition (N); 3). Thinking (T) or Feeling (F); and 4). Judging (J) or Perceiving (P). Participants were asked to identify their personality tendencies by combining the four existing dimensions.

In the alumni sharing session, Annisa Taqwa Zazi Muslim (Alumna of Hangtuah University) shared about her activity as an active citizen to educate people about cyberbullying, Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (OCSEA), and hoax anticipation. At the end of the sharing session, participants were invited to be wiser using social media. The activity on the second day continued with Yel-yel competition by five teams: Jembatan Merah, Suramadu, Tanjung Perak, Gethuk Gedang and Semanggi. Next, each group presented the solution for the top five problem challenges by VDMI grantees from Surabaya, gathered in the Student Monitoring System (SMS): time, English, tools, family and lecture. The regional meeting continued with the sharing session from Regional Representative (RR) Jawa Timur and VDMI Airlangga Mengabdi (VAMI). On behalf of RR Jawa Timur, Annisa Taqwa Zazi Muslim (Alumna of Hangtuah University) shared about the RR Jawa Timur. RR Jawa Timur welcomed all the VDMI grantees from Jawa Timur to be connected together as a VDMI Family. Next, Firda Fidhayati (Grantee from Airlangga University) shared about VAMI activities in 2023. The activity is carried out once every two weeks with the target of providing education, sharing food and stationery to thirty – forty children in Kampoeng Dolanan Sidotopo, Surabaya.

On the third day, Regional Meeting continued with the session “Basic Leadership: To Lead and To Serve”, facilitated by Jenny Ratna Suminar. Participants were invited to do simulation games with the same task of making flat building shapes: circles, triangles, rectangles and stars with different colors and different dimensions. Through this simulation game, participants are invited to find their learning points. As a leader, we must have the ability to negotiate, cooperate with other people, dare to take risks and should not be ashamed to ask questions. Next, participants were asked to reflect on the national anthem Indonesia Raya, especially on the lyric “Bangunlah Jiwanya, bangunlah badannya, untuk Indonesia Raya”. This powerful lyric has a powerful meaning about good characters and good behavior that must be shown by participants as a future leader. Participants must be disciplined, have sportsmanship, respect each other, and tolerance.

At the end of the regional meeting, the winner of the yel-yel competition and best participant were announced. Based on originality, teamwork and creativity, the winner of the Yel-yel competition was the Semanggi team. Furthermore, based on the participation, involvement and questions during the session, the best participant is Awan Hermawan (Grantee from Airlangga University).