Regional Meeting Yogyakarta 2023
Regional Meeting Yogyakarta on 14 – 16 August 2023 was held in Ruang Audiovisual Lt. 2 Gedung Perpustakaan Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII). The activity was opened by the Deputy Chancellor for Student, Religious and Alumni Affairs, Dr. Drs. Rohidin, S.H., M.Ag., and attended by Dr.-Ing. Ir. Ilya Fadjar Maharika, MA., IAI. (YVDMI Advisor), Bruder Yohanes Sarju, S.J., M.M. (Kepala Lembaga Kesejahteraan Mahasiswa – Sanata Dharma University), Michael Tri Haryono (PIC of Sanata Dharma University), Nur Pratiwi Noviati (PIC of Universitas Islam Indonesia) and VDMI Officer. Participants (grantees from the Indonesian Islamic University, Gadjah Mada University, Sanata Dharma University, and Non Partners) were given skills development for three days. Pak Rohidin emphasizes on manners which are getting lost with the times. In addition, he reminded participants to have a collaborative spirit in achieving results so that they have an impact on themselves, the environment and society. Mr. Ilya asked participants to become eligible young people by being persistent in learning and being able to lead themselves.

The first session (Anggoro Mukti) discussed the strengths and weaknesses of Generation Z. Participants were very active and enthusiastic about making dozens of strengths and weaknesses of Generation Z. The strengths were technological literacy, being open to all things, creative and innovative, and critical and analytical. Weaknesses include tending to be individualistic, not focused, lack of respect for processes and emotions that tend to be unstable. Participants are expected to be able to prepare themselves for Indonesia Gold 2045 with various skills. Participants are asked to admit and be aware of their own strengths and weaknesses in order to implement self-development.

The second session (Reda Gaudiamo) explained that writing is an all-time skill. Writing makes us able to think and become good communicators. Participants were asked to simply write whatever comes to mind, what interests them, what makes them curious, what bothers them. Some can write fluently and speak. Before lunch, participants were invited to visit the UII museum which consists of the Kimpulan temple in the UII library building complex. In addition, participants also learned about the history of UII from the past to the present. After that, the participants were challenged by writing in a more focused way, namely by writing letters to those they loved, those they missed or to themselves. Participants convey what has never been or has not been said so far. One of the participants was very moved to read a letter to his mother who had passed away. He described how much he missed a mother figure, but was grateful that he could get to this point because of his mother’s prayers.

The third session (Jenny Ratna Suminar) explained basic leadership “To Lead and To Serve”. As future owners of Indonesia, participants are asked to prepare themselves. In life, we are faced with various choices, for example in a tennis match, do we want to be “players” or “spectators”? Participants were divided into several groups and asked to make a flat shape according to the criteria. Each group has different tools. Each group was asked to complete the task by negotiating and thinking about the best way. After that, participants were divided into eight groups and discussed problems in Indonesia from the fields of Education, Culture, Health, Food Security, Sports, Fisheries and Maritime Affairs, and Tourism. The session was closed by singing the song “Padamu Negeri”.

At the end of the regional meeting, the group presented “yel-yel” and presentations from the Student Monitoring System. Each group (Jakal, Jogis, Tugu, Bakpia and Sultan) provided solutions to each of the problems faced by Yogyakarta grantees such as Time Management, English, Tools, Family and Food. The winner is Bakpia Group, while the best participants RM Yogyakarta are Rashad Maulana Husein (grantees Sanata Dharma University), Ryan Ramadhan Hilmynafiska (grantees Gadjah Mada University) and Vony Hanna Retnaning Peni (grantee Islamic University of Indonesia). The Regional Meeting was closed with a musical performance of Javanese poetry and dance from the Yogyakarta grantee. See you at another Regional Meeting.