Series of Communication Skill (Part 2): Content is Important
The Series of Communication continued on October 1, 2021 from 14:00 to 16:30 WIB. In the second session, Ibu Yesi highlighted that content is important. The content can be messages with the themes can be rational, emotional, moral, and combinations. A message should be structured to attract attention, interest, desire, and action from the audience. Each public speaking contains opening, body, and closing.

Public speaking should also be supported by non-verbal communications such as kinetic (eye contact, facial expression, hand movement, and gesture), paralanguage (tempo, volume, and tone of our words), and proximity (the appropriate distance of the speaker from the audience). To be effective, communication should consist of 55% body language, 38% tone, and 7% words.

To train our public speaking skills, we can utilize appropriate words/languages, reading more relevant resources, mastering terms related to our topic of public speaking, make a WOW opening, avoid negative thinking about ourself or the audience, do research, adjust your word choice to your audience, etc. As a speaker, it is highly recommended coming early. This is because, to build self-confident, we need to feel safe and know upfront the place and the nuance. Coming late will only ruin our self-confident.

After learning materials about public speaking, the students were grouped into breakout rooms to practice present their scripts (last week assignment). Others who did not present give suggestion to the one who present. Awwaliyah Nur Fadhilah asked strategies to increase self-confidence. Ibu Yesi suggested doing more public speaking. For instance, ask more questions in various opportunities. As time goes by, our self-confidence will increase automatically.