Series of Communication Skill (Part 3): Practice, Practice, Practice
October 8, 2021, the participants of the Series of Communication got a chance to practice more. Speakers have four types of characteristic: active (love to dominate conversation, speaking before thinking), rigid (good listeners yet seems patronizing), strong (think out of the box yet seems forcing ideas), and peace (good listeners and reluctant to conflict). By understanding the characteristic of our speaking counterparts, we can adjust the way we communicate.

Furthermore, tone, power, timbre, speed/tempo, volume, breath, articulation, and vibration need to be trained. Preparing public speaking can be done by canalizing ideas, planning design, mapping route, and acquiring knowledge. Istiqomah from Jambi University often experienced nervousness when doing public speaking. Ibu Yesi suggested that nervousness could come from various sources. For instance, when the speaker lack of preparation, the can feel nervous. So, make a good preparation and anticipate things that might disturb our focus can reduce the feeling.