Series of Journalistic Writing (Part 1): Understanding Journalistic – 5 November 2021
Accommodating the need of VDMI grantees and alumni who want to improve their writing skills, on November 5, 2021, the Series of Journalistic Writing was held. Facilitated by Ibu Kristin Samah (writer and former journalist), the participants discussed the history of journalism in Indonesia. To understand more about journalism, the first part of the session overviewed the 9 elements of journalistic by Bill Kovach, which are: loyal to truthfulness, pro to societies, discipline to verify, maintain independence those they cover, serving as an independent monitor of power, provide a forum for the public to criticize, strive to make the significantly interesting and relevant news, the news should be comprehensive and proportional, be accountable of personal conscience.

Chiriakus Hendra Pola Nea from Flores University asked in regard to the second element of journalism: pro to society. “What if the government policy is reasonable but the society refuses to accept it? How should a journalist write their news coverage?” Ibu Kristin provides an example of a case where the government wants to build a road to create access but the society refuses due to the historical value of the land. In that case, a journalist should be prone to society instead of the government.