Series of Journalistic Writing (Part 2): Types of Journalistic Writing – 12 November 2021
The Series of Journalistic Writing with Ibu Kristin continued on November 12 from 14:00 to 16:00 WIB. Types of journalistic writing were discussed along with the phenomena of click-bite and post-truth. Nowadays people’s perspectives of truths are not based on factual data. Many people have a post-truth belief and try to force their beliefs on others. For instance, people choose to believe that earth is flat and try to convince others of their points. So, we have to be diligent in double-checking the sources that we read.

Awwaliyah Nur Fadhilah from ITS asked about how to motivate ourselves to try to write other types of writing which we have never written before. Ibu Kristin suggested Awwaliyah join a writer’s community and challenge herself to dare to try. Having a community and challenging ourselves will motivate us to improve our writing skills.