Series of Journalistic Writing Part Final : Coaching (August 26, 2022)
On August 26, 2022, the final part of The Series of Journalistic Writing was held. Making outlines of popular scientific writings and getting feedback from the facilitator is the goal of this final part. Hopefully after the session is done, the participants can produce a popular scientific writing that is worthy enough to be published.
Siti Rohimat (grantee Padjadjaran University) shared her writing on food security related to her study background, Chinese Language and Culture Dept. She wrote about “Pengaruh Ketahanan Pangan Terhadap Kemampuan Belajar Bahasa Mandarin”. Feedback from the facilitator consists of the title which is still scientific and less popular. Furthermore, the facilitator also provides input that the idea of food security does not have to be written in the title of the article. For example, the title could be changed to “Bahasa Mandarin Dan Makanan Bergizi”.

Yosephine Siringo-ringo, grantee Medan State University (Counseling Guidance Dept.) shared her popular scientific writing with the title “Berantas Stigma Negative Generasi Muda Terhadap Profesi Petani Lewat Bimbingan Karir”. Inputs from facilitator are: the idea is interesting, but the title considered too long.
Anissa Dwi Utami Marpaung (grantee Padang State University, Special Education Dept.) shared about the benefits of corn for people with autism with the title “Si Kuning Yang Bermanfaat”. In general, the writer’s ideas are considered very good and interesting. The selection of the title is also quite interesting because it is not too long and raises the curiosity of the reader.

In conclusion, popular scientific writing consists of scientific data and writer’s opinions presented in a popular language. The title of a popular scientific writing should be short (maximum of five words), concise and use a popular language as well. At the end of the session, the facilitator encouraged participants to start writing and don’t be afraid to make mistakes, because writing is a long process. In addition, participants are invited to join the Excellent Writing Club (EWC) and also encouraged to take part in the IDEAS Writing Challenge 2022.