Series of Journalistic Writing (Part Final): Practice Makes Perfect – 26 November 2021
The final session Series of Journalistic Writing discusses several things that need to be considered in writing from 14.00 WIB – 16.00 WIB. Mrs. Kristin analyzes the participants’ assignments and provides corrections in writing. The writing is expected to be easily understood by the reader. She explained the importance of outline in writing. Outlines can help us think systematically, more focused and directed in writing and there is no repetition.

In addition, Mrs. Kristin reminded not to make perfection because nothing is perfect, including in writing. Furthermore, in making the first paragraph, you can start with words of wisdom, quotes or dialogue, scenes, unusual words or imitating styles. Lidya Fitri (alumna from Hasanuddin University) asked if it is okay if we use a question in the opening of an article. Mrs. Kristin answered that it is one of the things that can attract someone to read our writing.

In writing, some people often edit the writing. You do not need to edit it. Write, Read, Improve, Write again, Read again and improve until easy to read. Chiriakus Hendra Pola Nea (grantee from Flores University) asked about the maximum number of words in one sentence and paragraph. Mrs. Kristin explained that in one sentence, make sure to take one breath, while one paragraph can be stated as sufficient if one main point of the writing has been conveyed clearly. Finally, when writing, it is necessary to pay attention to words that are in accordance with the KBBI and the General Guidelines for Indonesian Spelling.