Series of Scientific Writing (Part Final) March 16, 2022
For the final session, Series of Scientific Writing discussed about Often Made Mistakes [Plagiarism/ Paraphrasing/ Citation] and Ethic. Ethics need to be ensured in every research. Research should never harm the participants. Thus, the Institutional Research Board (IRB) role is important to evaluate whether research is safe for the participants before it is conducted. Several unethical actions might occur in a study including making up the data (fabrication), choose the data that support the hypothesis only (cherry-picking), or plagiarism. Plagiarism is the act of stealing someone else’s work and attempting to “pass it off” as your own. The simplest kind of plagiarism is copying. When you copy someone else’s work and put your name on it, you have plagiarized.
The second kind of plagiarism is patchwork plagiarism. It is similar to copying and it might be the second most common type of plagiarism. Borrowing the phrases and clauses from the original source and weaves them into his/ her own writing, without putting the phrases in quotation marks or citing the author, is called patchwork plagiarism. The third type of plagiarism is paraphrasing plagiarism. To avoid plagiarism, we should give credit the work of others, be sure to cite sources, include all cited sources in the reference list and vice versa, obtain permission to include figure or model or graphs, keep track of bibliographic information and the date you retrieved the information if it is from the website.

Andi Annisa (grantee Hasanuddin University) asked Prof. Jan about the regulation of citation to quote from author X in the author Y’s journal, should we find the original article of author X? Prof. Jan explained that we should find the original journal, but we should be realistic either. If we can’t find the original journal, then we can write the citation article in our references and write down the name of author X that cited by author Y in our manuscript.
At the end of the series, three grantees were selected to receive appreciation, based on the criteria attendance, active participation, and the quality of the submitted assignments. They are Alvina Rossa (grantee Airlangga University), Maulinda Rachmawati (grantee Padjadjaran University) and Gita Rama Mahardhika (grantee Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology). As addition, Wilhelminari Br Saragih (grantee Medan State University) shared that after she attend this series of scientific writing, she got a lot of insight and knowledge to revise her paper. Her paper was accepted in Journal of Biological Science and Educational.