Teman Curhat: VDMI Online Peer Counseling Program
This September, the Teman Curhat program continues to support VDMI families. The program is designed based on the result of the Student Monitoring System and facilitated by VDMI Capacity Building and Project Officer, Luluk Shoviana. The program lives every Thursday from 15.00 to 16.30 via the VDMI Zoom account. Starting from the topic of loneliness held on September 3rd, the facilitator and the participants discussed strategies on how to prevent this feeling.
In an era where people seem to be more connected with the advanced technology, we are more disconnected than ever. People become less interacting with others that lead to a feeling of loneliness. Moreover, the pandemic situation makes the feeling even worse. There is no other way to avoid loneliness than reconnect to people. Throughout the session about loneliness, the participants discussed some research findings and facts about loneliness. At the end of the session, the participants suggested that they are motivated to rebuild their relationship with others such as family, friends, neighbors, or friends.
On September 11th, Teman Curhat discussed the topic of motivation. Questions such as what is motivation, how to build motivation, how to maintain motivation, and how to motivate others were asked by the participants. The discussion on intrinsic and extrinsic motivation also became the main topic discussed during the session. Some grantees thought that intrinsic motivation is better than extrinsic motivation to be applied.
After the session, they understand that both motivations can be used. However, extrinsic motivation should only be applied in the initial effort to build a habit or shape a behavior. After the expected habit or behavior achieved, fading or gradually decreasing the reward until stoping the reward should be done to support the person’s intrinsic motivation. At the end of the session, the participants expressed that they are now understand how to motivate themselves and others.