VDMI Project: Women Empowerment
Van Deventer-Maas Indonesia together with alumni of Regional Representative (RR) Kupang conducted a Women Empowerment social project. The theme of this social project: “Women Leadership – Gender Equality” on 19-21 February 2025 at the GMIT Church Building of the Ampupubena Eklesia Congregation, Fatumnasi, South Central Timor Regency, East Nusa Tenggara. The first and second days were attended by 20 women from four hamlets in Fatumnasi Village and the third day (collaboration with the Pundi Aman Peduli Kasih Foundation) was attended by 70 women.
The activity was opened by the Head of Fatumnasi Village – Alfret Imanuel Bay. He thanked VDMI for being willing to hold useful activities to increase the capacity of self-potential in Fatumnasi Village, especially for women. Fatumnasi has natural beauty and the potential of MSMEs (local food products and woven fabrics) that need to be maintained and preserved. It is hoped that the participants who represent each hamlet will become “penggerak” in empowering women in each hamlet. Continued with remarks from P. Manoto (Executive Director of YVDMI) who gave appreciation to empowered women in Fatumnasi Village. Women who still protect nature and preserve local wisdom.

The first sharing was delivered by Serlinia Rambu Anawoli, S.Pd., M.Pd (alumna of Artha Wacana Christian University). Participants were asked to draw about what activities their children like. Boys like to play with cars, marbles and balls, while girls play with ducks and take care of flowers. Here, Serli wants to emphasize that all games can be played by anyone, regardless of gender. Everything that men do can also be done by women and vice versa. She also explained through discussions with participants about the work done by women is very productive, only always looked down upon. The need for mutual support and assistance between the roles of men and women in the family.

Next, Session with Patrick Yesandro Pristantyo, S.Psi., M.Psi (Psikolog) – Pemimpin Perempuan, Pelestari Bumi “Menjaga Alam, Menciptakan Masa Depan”. Patrick started with how participants can get to know themselves, whether they are pessimistic or optimistic. He invited participants to discuss the challenges as women by dividing them into four groups. The challenges presented by each group include: economic problems (no marketing of woven products, uncertain harvest prices), technical problems (no access to electricity and special roads in Hamlet IV, traditional farming equipment), and human resource problems (low education, need guidance and provision of human resources). Patrick encouraged participants to change their mindset not “who is the best”, but “how to achieve common goals”. In addition, it is hoped that participants will also dare to try new things and not need to compare themselves with others (thus minimizing group conflict).

The Second Day began with Team Building with Patrick. He divided participants into three groups and prepared to complete challenges through games. The values of the games are cooperation, understanding and supporting each other, being a good listener, anyone can be a leader, each individual plays a role and creates dreams.

After lunch, continued with Sharing by Anastasia Kadek Dety Lestari, S.Si., M.Sc (alumna of Nusa Cendana University) on “Cerdas Mengolah Pekarangan Kecil dengan Inovasi Teknologi Sederhana untuk Pangan Sehat dan Usaha Kreatif”. Participants are already very adept at utilizing yards for agriculture and plantations that have a selling value. In addition, the concern is animal protein (fish) which is still low in Fatumnasi Village because it is located in the highlands. Therefore, the best solution is to cultivate catfish which does not require a large area and is easy to handle. In addition, Yolanta Yovita Kono (grantee of Nusa Cendana University) shared that utilizing plantation crops that cannot be consumed by humans can be used as nutritious animal feed (after fermentation). She also provided information on how to increase the nutritional content of animal feed, maintain the health of the livestock’s digestive system and reduce the cost of animal feed. The second day was closed with Sharing from Ir. Maria Lobo, M.Math, Sc., Ph.D (PIC Nusa Cendana University) on how to become a woman who is resilient and has grit.

The third day was a collaborative activity with Yayasan Pundi Amal Peduli Kasih. Mama Maria Sanam shared her struggles and the twists and turns of her journey in defending ancestral land and empowering women. She invited women to fight together by developing their potential and inviting girls to be empowered together. She hopes that by empowering each other, they can defend what belongs to them and to nature. Women’s struggle to defend nature will never change and must continue to be fought for. The activity was closed with a donation from Yayasan Pundi Amal Peduli Kasih to the women of Fatumnasi Village in the form of three display cases (for woven products and local food products) and two weaving tools along with thread. In addition, VDMI also donated reading books that are appropriate and needed by the Fatumnasi community such as forest management, agriculture and catfish cultivation.

Hopefully this social activity will continue and there will be results for women’s empowerment in Fatumnasi Village. VDMI also hopes that other Regional Representatives can also create sustainable activities in their respective regions.