Writing Workshop Surakarta 2023
On 26 – 28 February 2023, VDMI held a Writing Workshop in Surakarta – Central Java (Ibis Styles Hotel). Facilitated by ST. Kartono (teacher at SMU De Britto Yogyakarta and writer) was attended by 19 participants (13 alumni and 6 grantees). This is one of the appreciation to the members of the VDMI Excellent Writing Club who are active and consistently sending writing.

The first day discussed the differences between opinion, features and popular scientific writing by identifying the newspaper’s structure and content. The opinion article begins with a description of the problem to be discussed by the writer. Next, the writer has to explain evaluation of the problem in the form of a discussion or comparison on the similar data, and enclosed the article with the solutions. The writer must be firm in writing his/ her opinion, without looking down to others.. When making a feature article, the writer must include facts and avoid words that are not specific or cannot be seen in reality. Popular scientific writing sourced from the writer’s own research or other scientific writings that must be clearly cited. The use of popular language is the focus of popular scientific writing, so that it can be understood by all levels of society.

On the second day, participants were divided into 6 groups to visit six different traditional markets (Pasar Gede, Pasar Kembang, Pasar Klewer, Pasar Kadipolo, Pasar Nongko Market and Pasar Legi). They have to do the assignment of making opinion, feature and popular scientific writing articles. Participants can choose the informants to be interviewed and or observe the situation in the traditional market as well. Last day, each participant presented their articles and discussed it with the facilitator. Facilitator provides input related to the title, content and writing rules. Writing aims to serve readers, not just to satisfy the desires of the writer. Avoid using definitions at the beginning of writing because it will limit the reader’s understanding. At the end of the session, Andi Annisa Tenri Ramadhani (Alumna Hasanuddin University) shared her appreciation to VDMI for making a writing workshop which equipped her in writing and provided new insights that could be applied in the workplace. See you in the Next Capacity Building VDMI Program.