Excellent Writing Club
Excellent Writing Club (EWC) is a platform for grantees and alumni who want to improve their writing skills. In the platform grantees and alumni can submit their writing and receive feedback.
EWC Platform: www.vandeventermaas.or.id/login
To get the EWC membership account, please send a request to VDMI Staff
at: a.susanto@vandeventermaas.or.id
In the email subject please write: Full Name_University_Status
Example: Melia Pratiwi_Universitas Negeri Medan_Alumni/Ridwan Saputra_Universitas Airlangga_Grantee.
VDMI E-Newsletter
The monthly e-newsletter will focus on publishing news updates from grantees, alumni, PIC, office staff, board members, and Regional Representatives’ activities : https://bit.ly/VDMINewsletter
VDMI Family E- Magazine
The monthly VDMI Family E-Magazine consisted of articles, inspirational stories from the VDMI family (alumni and grantees) in the forms of features, opinions, and short stories. : https://bit.ly/VDMI-Magazine
Keep Connect with VDMI
For VDMI alumni who want to connect, contribute, or participate in the VDMI programs/events, please contact the VDMI Communication and Alumni Relation Officer (Dios Larosa) at: d.larosa@vandeventermaas.or.id