Excellent Writing Workshop 2019
22 – 24 July 2019, Excellent Writing Workshop held in Surabaya. 16 participants (grantee and alumni) from different region such as Medan, Bogor, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Banjarmasin, Gorontalo, Jakarta and Kupang. Together in 3 days, they get some great journey in writing.
The Workshop opened by Prof. Jan with “Verba Volant, Scripta Manent”. It’s like a proverb “ Publish or Perish “. He remind to all participants that if you write something, it’s everlasting.
First session with Kristin Samah began Feature Writing with psychology test about correlation between geometry and personality. Participants choose one of geometry shape (square, rectangular, triangle, circle and spiral). With all the result of the test, Kristin Samah asked participants to write what they choose in group discussion. All aspects can be explored into a Feature Writing. From different angle when they talk about the result, participants learn Types of Lead in Feature Writing. They also discuss about some writings, start from effective use of sentences, stage of writing and types of ending the feature writing.
In the second day, participant were also given a session on Opini Writing with Ronny Mustamu. He said writing start from question or curiosity. Participant must remember in writing “ What – Why – How “ of the topic. Negative message can be defeated by love message. We must known well who our reader are before write an opini. Participant practice to use a simple sentences and check the word.
In the last day, Prof. Jan share about Scientific Journal. Some participants are the last year student and this topic is very useful. Start with What are the biggest problem when you write. Research Question is important for research journal and it can come from ideas that sudden called “ AHA Erlebnis “. Participants read a journal and find the question research and the answers. In discussion session, participants asked about the step of journal writing, summarize a journal without plagiarism, how the journal accepted by international journal and to get data for the research journal. Prof Jan also share how important references of writing and step by step to publish your journal in international journal.
Annisa Taqwa (alumna from Hang Tuah University) shares about her experience in society. She took a lot of attention in HIV/AIDS and Street Children. After the sharing session, participants make an writing from what they heard. In the last session, participants go to Kampung Lawas Maspati and learn about the society.
This workshop is an appreciation for alumni and grantees that give contribution in writing. Alumni and Grantees can join Excellent Writing Club with send an article to VDMI. See you in the next workshop.