Visiting Partners in Padang Region
Van Deventer-Maas Indonesia (VDMI Board – Prof. Irfan Dwidya Prijambada and Prof. Ningrum Sirait, Executive Director YVDMI – P.Manoto and Staff VDMI) together with Van Deventer-Maas Stichting Board in Netherland (Berit van Hulst, Ivo ten Pierick and Sicco Jacobs) visited three campus partners in Padang City (Padang State University, Andalas University and Bung Hatta University). The activity took place on January 20 and 22, 2025.
On January 20, 2025, YVDMI/VDMS met with the Rector of Padang State University (Dr. Ir. Krismadinata, S.T., M.T.) along with the vice rector for academic and student affairs and the head of the student affairs directorate. One of the YVDMI board members – Prof. Ningrum Sirait – also provided views on the current collaboration between VDMI and UNP. Currently, Padang State University has 80 active grantees and is very helpful. Hopefully UNP can maintain the number of grantees in the following year.

On January 22, 2025, the visit continued at Andalas University and Bung Hatta University. The meeting with Andalas University (UNAND) was held in the Rector’s Room (4th Floor, Andalas University Rectorate Building) and was attended by the Vice Rector 4 for Planning, Research, Innovation, and Cooperation – Prof. Dr. Henmaidi, S.T., M.Eng.Sc – along with the university’s public relations department and the directorate of student affairs. UNAND currently has 35 grantees and has experienced a decrease in applicants in 2024/2025. In discussions during the visit, VDMI and UNAND discussed strategies to increase student interest in the next VDMI scholarship program (2025/2026).

The visit continued to Bung Hatta University and was attended by the Chancellor of Bung Hatta University (Prof. Dr. Diana Kartika), Vice Chancellors of Bung Hatta University (Prof. Dr. Pasymi, S.T., M.T., Dr. Fivi Anggraini, S.E, M.Sc., Ak., CA and Dr. Zulherman, S.T., M.Sc) along with the heads of faculties and study programs. The activity took place in Ruang Sidang Rektor Gedung E Kampus Proklamator I Universitas Bung Hatta. For this year, UBH has 10 grantees. In addition to discussing the scholarship program, one of the VDMI alumni (Yulia Sepriwati) shared her experience on the benefits of the VDMI scholarship.

and what she has gained.
Hopefully, VDMI’s visit to partners in the Padang region can strengthen the cooperative relationship between VDMI and universities. Hopefully, VDMI scholarship applicants, especially UNP, UNAND and UBH can increase in the 2025/2026 online registration system (ORS) on February 10 – March 10, 2025.
Tag:VDMI, VDMS, Visit Partner